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Alys Conran

Alys Conran's first novel Pigeon (Parthian Books) won the Wales Book of the Year Award 2017 and was shortlisted for the International Dylan Thomas Prize. It also won the Rhys Davies Trust Fiction Award, The Wales Arts Review People's Choice Award and was longlisted for the Author's Choice First Novel Award. Her second novel Dignity  was recently published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson to critical acclaim. She is the Hay Festival International Fellow for 2019-20, and will be appearing at Hay Festivals worldwide this year. She also publishes poetry, short stories, creative non-fiction, creative essays and literary translations. 


Originally from North Wales, she spent several years in Edinburgh and Barcelona before returning to the area to live and write. She has also worked as a youth worker, teacher, and in community arts. She speaks Spanish and Catalan as well as Welsh and English.

She is Lecturer in Creative Writing at The University of Bangor, and is a regular writing workshop leader for other organisations nationally and internationally. 

Alys Conran

photo by Anna Milner

alys conran official website

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